Scar-free benign skin lesions removal​

Skin health 'MOT' &
mole removal

personalized diagnosis & scar-free lesions removal

Dr. Tympanidis has developed her own individualized protocol of screening & removing benign skin moles and lesions without leaving any scar.

what is a skin

Benign (non-cancerous) skin growths can develop at any point in one's lifetime. These growths often manifest as lumps or bumps on the skin and can sometimes become wounded, inflamed, or infected. Particularly when they appear on the face and neck, they can be a source of aesthetic concern.

skin health 'MOT'

In an effort to provide full reassurance and peace of mind to our patients, our clinic offers frequent skin checkups and mole screenings aimed at preventing skin cancer and other skin diseases.

During a skin health ‘MOT’ checkup at Dermaperfect, we will perform a full-body and scalp screening. If there is anything remotely suspicious, Consultant Dermatologist Dr. Tympanidis will examine the lesion with a dermatoscope.


Moles that remain suspicious after the checkup might have to be surgically removed and sent to the lab for histological study. After a skin checkup is completed, Dr. Tympanidis will provide you with a full report on your skin and mole conditions.


Additionally, she will offer advice on how to protect your skin from sun damage and prevent skin cancer, as well as individually created, science-based anti-aging regimes tailored to your skin type and lifestyle.

skin health 'MOT'

In an effort to provide full reassurance and peace of mind to our patients, our clinic offers frequent skin checkups and mole screenings, aiming to prevent skin cancer and other skin disease. During a skin checkup at Dermaperfect we will perform a full body and scalp screening. If there is anything remotely suspicious, consultant Dermatologist Dr Tympanidis, will examine the lesion with a dermatoscope. Moles that remain suspicious after the checkup might have to be surgically removed and send to the lab for histology study. After a skin checkup has been completed, Dr. Tympanidis will offer you a full report of your skin and mole conditions.


Dr. Tympanidis will give you advice on how to protect your skin from sun damage, prevent skin cancer, as well as science based, individually created anti-ageing regimes to match your skin type and lifestyle.


Cysts, angiomas, skin tags, warts, epitheliomas, papillomas.

In most cases there is no need of stitching, thus, no scarring is left.

Dr. Tympanidis will give you aftercare tips. Usually there is no need of special care of the wound.



Which lesions are considered benign?

Cysts, angiomas, skin tags, warts, epitheliomas, papillomas.

Will the procedure involve stitching?

In most cases there is no need of stitching, thus, no scarring is left.

Do I need to take special care of the wound?

Dr. Tympanidis will give you aftercare tips. Usually there is no need of special care of the wound.